MathJax can be loaded from a public web server or privately from your hard drive or other local media. To use MathJax in either way, you will need to obtain a copy of MathJax and its font package. There are two main ways to do this: via svn or via a pre-packaged archive. We recommend the former, as it is easier to keep your installation up to date using svn.
The easiest way to get MathJax and keep it up to date is to use the subversion source control system, svn. Use the commands
svn co mathjax
cd mathjax
to obtain and set up a copy of MathJax. (The SourceForge development page also shows how to do this.)
Whenever you want to update MathJax, you can now use
cd mathjax
svn status
to check if there are updates to MathJax. If MathJax needs updating, use
cd mathjax
svn update
# if is updated, do the following as well:
rm -rf fonts
to udpate your copy of MathJax to the current release version. If the file has been updated, you will need to remove the old fonts directory and unpack the new one bring your installation up to date. If you keep MathJax updated in this way, you will be sure that you have the latest bug fixes and new features as they become available.
This gets you the current development copy of MathJax, which is the “bleeding-edge” version that contains all the latest changes to MathJax. At times, however, these may be less stable than the “release” version. If you prefer to use the most stable version (that may not include all the latest patches and features), use
svn co mathajx
cd mathjax
to obtain the version 1.0.1 release. When you wish to update to a new release, you will need to check out a new copy of MathJax with the new release number.
Release versions of MathJax are available in archive files from the MathJax download page or the SourceForge files page, where you can download the archives that you need.
You should download the file, then simply unzip it. Once the MathJax directory is unpacked, you should move it to the desired location on your server (or your hard disk, if you are using it locally rather then through a web server). One natural location is to put it at the top level of your web server’s hierarchy. That would let you refer to the main MathJax file as /MathJax/MathJax.js from within any page on your server.
Use the HTML files in the test directory to see if your installation is working properly:
index.html # Tests default configuration
index-images.html # Tests image-font fallback display
sample.html # Sample page with lots of pretty equations
Open these files in your browser to see that they appear to be working properly. If you have installed MathJax on a server, use the web address for those files rather than opening them locally. When you view the index.html file, you should see (after a few moments) a message that MathJax appears to be working. If not, you should check that the files have been transferred to the server completely, that the fonts archive has been unpacked in the correct location, and that the permissions allow the server to access the files and folders that are part of the MathJax directory (be sure to verify the MathJax folder’s permissions as well). Checking the server logs may help locate problems with the installation.